Here you will find relevant documents and publications relating to Inch Cape including general project information and the Environmental Impact Assessment documents submitted to the planning authorities.
This section includes project publications, supply chain materials and general information about Inch Cape.
Consents documents
Documents included under this heading relate to the project’s offshore wind farm and transmission infrastructure.
The full suite of marine licence applications, documents and supplementary materials can be found here.
Documents related to the Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm Section 36 and Marine Licence Variation 06781
Documents related to the Inch Cape Onshore Transmission Works (OnTW) Regulation 11 Further Application
Documents and decision related to Inch Cape Section 36 Variation 2021
- Inch Cape S36 Variation Decision (July 2021)
- Inch Cape_S.36 Variation Report_Final (Jan 2021)
- Inch Cape Section 36 Consent Variation Request (Jan 2021)
Documents related to the project’s Onshore Environmental Impact Assessment in 2018:
Supporting Information
- Non Technical Summary
- PAC Report Redacted
- Planning Statement
- Summary of Onshore and Offshore EIA
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_1 – Introduction
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_2 – Policy and Legislation
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_3 – Process and Methodology
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_4 – Site Selection
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_5 – Description of Development
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_6 – Ecology
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_7 – Hydrology, Geology and Hydrogeology
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_8 – Landscape and Visual
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_9 – Cultural Heritage
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_10 – Noise and Vibration
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_11 – Traffic and Transport
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_12 – Socio-Economics, Tourism and Land Use
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_13 – Air Quality
- RRP_OnShore_EIA_Chapter_14 – Summary
- OnShore EIA Appendix 1A
- OnShore EIA Appendix 1B
- OnShore EIA Appendix 3A (1 of 5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 3A (2 of 5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 3A (3 of 5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 3A (4 of 5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 3A (5 of 5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 3B
- OnShore EIA Appendix 3C
- OnShore EIA Appendix 3D
- OnShore EIA Appendix 4A
- OnShore EIA Appendix 6A
- OnShore EIA Appendix 6B
- OnShore EIA Appendix 6C (1of 2)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 6C (2of 3)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 6C (3of 4)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 6C (4of 4)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 7A
- OnShore EIA Appendix 7B
- OnShore EIA Appendix 7C
- OnShore EIA Appendix 7D
- OnShore EIA Appendix 8A
- OnShore EIA Appendix 8B (1)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 8B (2)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 8B (3)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 8B (4)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 8B (5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 8B (6)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 8B (7)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 8C
- OnShore EIA Appendix 9A
- OnShore EIA Appendix 9B
- OnShore EIA Appendix 10A
- OnShore EIA Appendix 11A (1 of 5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 11A (2 of 5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 11A (3 of 5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 11A (4 of 5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 11A (5 of 5)
- OnShore EIA Appendix 12A
- OnShore EIA Appendix 13A
Documents relating to the project’s Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment in 2018
Supporting Information
- Inch Cape Offshore Non-Technical Summary
- Planning and Policy Statement
- Marine Mammals Habitats Regulations Appraisal
- Diadromous Fish Marine Mammals and Ornithology Habitats Regulation Appraisal
- Ornithology Habitats Regulations Appraisal
- Chapter_1_Introduction
- Chapter_2_Policy_and_Legislative_Context
- Chapter_3_Regulatory_Requirements
- Chapter_4_Process_and_Methodology
- Chapter_5_Stakeholder_Engagement
- Chapter_6_Site_Selection_and_Alternatives
- Chapter_7_Description_of_Development
- Chapter_8_Benefits_of_the_Development
- Chapter_9_Natural_Fish_and_Shellfish
- Chapter_10_Marine_Mammals
- Chapter_11_Ornithology
- Chapter_12_Seascape__Landscape_and_Visual
- Chapter_13_Cultural_Heritage
- Chapter_14_Commercial_Fisheries
- Chapter_15_Shipping_and_Navigation
- Chapter_16_Socio-Economics
- Chapter_17_Aviation
- Chapter_18_Summary_of_Effects
- Appendix_1A_Competent_Experts_Experience_and_Qualifications
- Appendix_5A_Pre-Application_Consultation_Report
- Appendix_6A_Design_Considerations
- Appendix_8A_Carbon_Balance_Assessment
- Appendix_9A_Herring_Spawning_Study
- Appendix_9B_Underwater_Noise_Modelling
- Appendix_9C_Salmon_Migration_Behaviour
- Appendix_9D-_Particle_Motion_Paper
- Appendix_9E_Impact_of_Suspended_Sediment_and_Smotheri
- Appendix_10A_Assessment_of_Population_Level_Effects
- Appendix_10B_Under_Water_Noise_Modelling_Using_a_1_…
- Appendix_11A_Offshore_Ornithology_Baseline_Survey_Report
- Appendix_11B_Apportioning_Effects_to_SPA…
- Appendix_11C_Estimation_of_the_Development…
- Appendix_11D_Estimation_of_the_Development_Alone…
- Appendix_11E_Population_Viability_Analyses
- Appendix_12E_Part_1of5_SLVIA_Figures
- Appendix_12E_Part_2of5_SLVIA_Figures
- Appendix_12E_Part_3of5_SLVIA_Figures
- Appendix_12E_Part_4of5_SLVIA_Figures
- Appendix_12E_Part_5of5_SLVIA_Figures
- Appendix_12F_Part_1of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_2of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_3of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_4of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_5of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_6of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_7of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_8of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_9of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_10of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_11of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_12F_Part_12of12_Visualisations
- Appendix_13A_Geoarchaeological…
- Appendix_14A_Commercial Fisheries Baseline_For Information_A
- Appendix_14B_Salmon_and_Sea_Trout_Baseline
- Appendix_14C_Commercial_Fisheries_Baseline__Dev_Area_
- Appendix_15A_Marine_Traffic_Validation_Study
- Appendix_15B_MGN_and_Methodology_Checklist
- Appendix_15C_Shipping_Supporting_Documentation
- Appendix_16A_Supply_Chain_Assessment
- Appendix_17A_Aviation_Lighting_Requirements
- Appendix_17A_Aviation_Lighting_Requirements